Rishubh Parihar


I am a fourth year Ph.D. student at Indian Insitute of Science, Bangalore and associated with Vision and AI Lab . I am advised by Prof. Venkatesh Babu from Department of Computational and Data Sciences. Before joining Ph.D., I worked at Samsung and Sharechat for a few years. I completed my Bachelors of Technology in Mathematics and Computing in 2018 from IIT Delhi, where I was adviced by Prof. Prem Kalra on synthetic makeup transfer.

I work on developing methods to enhance controllability in image and video generative models, by designing intuitive interfaces beyond text to interact with these models.

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Recent News

  • [Aug 24] Our work on generating multiple attribute edit variations AttributeDiffusion is accepted in WACV 2024 first round.
  • [Jul 24] I was awarded with Satish Dhawan Research Award for recent contributions on controlling image generative models.
  • [Jul 24] Our work on fine-grained attribute control in text-to-image models (PreciseControl) and affordace aware human placement (Text2Place) are accepted at ECCV 2024.
  • [Jul 24] Our CVPR 2024 paper BalancingAct on debiasing Diffusion models is covered by Times of India.
  • [Apr 24] Gave a talk on PreciseControl at IISc EECS Symposium 2024.
  • [Mar 24] Our work on debiasing diffusion models with distribution guidance (BalancingAct) is accepted in CVPR 2024.
  • [Jan 24] Serving as a Teaching Assistant in DS265: Deep Learning for Computer Vision at IISc.
  • [Jul 23] Our work StrataNeRF on reconstructing stratified scenes is accepted in ICCV 2023.
  • [Apr 23] I was awarded with the best presentation award for IISc EECS Symposium 2023, Visual Analytics Cluster.



Exploring Attribute Variations in Style-based GANs using Diffusion Models
Rishubh Parihar*, Prasanna Balaji*, Raghav Magazine, Sarthak Vora, Tejan Karmali, Varun Jampani, R. Venkatesh Babu
Workshop on Diffusion Models, NeurIPS 2023
WACV 2025


PreciseControl: Enhancing Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with Fine-Grained Attribute Control
Rishubh Parihar*, Sachidanand VS*, Sabariswaran Mani, Tejan Karmali, R. Venkatesh Babu
ECCV 2024
[project page] [paper] [code] [video]

Text2Place : Affordance Aware Human Guided Placement
Rishubh Parihar, Harsh Gupta, Sachidanand VS, R. Venkatesh Babu
ECCV 2024
[project page] [paper] [code]

Balancing Act: Distribution-Guided Debiasing in Diffusion Models
Rishubh Parihar*, Abhijnya Bhat*, Saswat Mallick, Abhipsa Basu, Jogendra Nath Kundu, R. Venkatesh Babu
CVPR 2024
[project page] [paper] [code]


Strata-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields for Stratified Scenes
Ankit Dhiman, R Srinath, Harsh Rangwani, Rishubh Parihar, Lokesh R Boregowda, Srinath Sridhar, R. Venkatesh Babu
ICCV 2023
[project page] [paper] [code]

We never go out of Style: Motion Disentanglement by Subspace Decomposition of Latent Space
Rishubh Parihar, Raghav Magazine, Piyush Tiwari, R. Venkatesh Babu
Workshop on AI for Content Creation, CVPR 2023
[project page] [paper] [video]


Everything is in the Latent Space: Attribute Style Editing and Attribute Style Manipulation by StyleGAN Latent Space Exploration
Rishubh Parihar, Ankit Dhiman, Tejan Karmali, R. Venkatesh Babu
ACMMM 2022
[project page] [paper] [video]

Hierarchical Semantic Regularization of Latent Spaces in StyleGANs
Tejan Karmali, Rishubh Parihar, Susmit Agrawal, Harsh Rangwani, Varun Jampani, Manish Singh, R. Venkatesh Babu
ECCV 2022
[project page] [paper]



NeurIPS 2024, ECCV 2024, CVPR 2024, WACV 2024, ICCV 2023, CVPR 2023, ECCV 2022


Deep Learning for Computer vision (DS265), IISc
Teaching Assistant with Prof. R. Venkatesh Babu
Spring 2024

Deep Learning for Computer vision (DS265), IISc
Teaching Assistant with Prof. R. Venkatesh Babu
Spring 2023

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